New Ordinaries in USA

The Most Rev. J. Mark Spalding (53) was ordained a bishop and installed as twelfth Bishop of Nashville on February 2, 2018.


The Most Rev. William Shawn McKnight (49) was ordained a bishop and installed on February 6, 2018 as the fourth Bishop of Jefferson City, Missouri.


Well…at least it IS uncomplicated and clear.

4 thoughts on “New Ordinaries in USA

  1. rdapice

    Dear Fr Guy,

    What does the Phrygian cap in the arms of the Diocese of Jefferson City indicate? Surely not that it has a republican form of government!

    And what does the quail(?) in the personal arms represent?

    Regards and best wishes,


    Richard d’Apice AM FSHA aih


    The Australian Heraldry Society

    GPO BOX 495, SYDNEY NSW 2001, AUSTRALIA email:


    1. guyselvester Post author

      The Phrygian cap is used as a symbol of liberty. As the Diocesan seat is named for Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the U.S.’s Declaration of Independence it is an allusion to Jefferson. The quail in the bishop’s personal arms are a sign of God’s providence and blessing as referenced in the Book of Exodus.

  2. Fr. Pachomius Meade, OSB

    Fr. Guy, do you think there could be a way that the quail could fill the field better or has the artist done only what he could do given the impalement? Alternately, though it is not the typical custom for a U.S. bishop, it seems like this would have been an great opportunity to quarter the diocesan and personal arms. Any thoughts?

    1. guyselvester Post author

      I don’t mind quartered arms but since it is unusual in the US, and since many US bishops are unwilling to do something that’s not just like everyone else, it would be a hard sell, I think. It might have been nice to propose three quail in pale (for the Trinity) or even semee of quail, especially since the reference to Exodus implies a flock of them.


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